Who Are The Hidden Competitors You Can’t Afford To Neglect?

As business owners, we know about the competition. But what about hidden competitors? Being (and staying) unique is not easy. After all, it's possible that whatever you're doing, there are other businesses doing exactly the same thing. This is...

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Why Your Business Needs Scenario Planning

The What, The How and Why Your Business Needs It Let's provide some context to scenario planning. There is no denying that we live in an ever-changing world. With new technologies emerging almost every day, the way businesses operate can...

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Top Data Protection Principles For Your Business

In an age where data security has never had more press, it’s not surprising that businesses are looking for ways to improve their existing data protection or put new measures in place. Data protection for business in 2020 Good data protection...

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What Bots Really Mean For Business

Believe it or not, we are in the middle of a new revolution. But unlike the previous revolution, which was powered by steel and smoke, we are now in the age of digital revolution. As technology advances and becomes...

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Leading IT Trends Transforming The Industry In 2019

I know what you’re thinking. Every year the tech bods roll out hundreds of new predictions for what’s going to be hot in the coming 12 months. Sometimes those predictions are bang on the money, like the 2016 predictions...

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Is remote working right for your business?

Remote working, flextime, career breaks and zero-hours contracts are all types of popular flexible working methods. Remote work, however, appears to be disrupting the office 9-to-5 grind more than any other type of flexible working. We investigate why and...

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Does your business need encryption?

You only have to do a quick search to find numerous examples of high profile data theft incidents. But those are just the cases hitting the headlines because of the notoriety of the victims or perpetrators. Every day, businesses from...

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