Who Are The Hidden Competitors You Can’t Afford To Neglect?

As business owners, we know about the competition. But what about hidden competitors? Being (and staying) unique is not easy. After all, it's possible that whatever you're doing, there are other businesses doing exactly the same thing. This is...

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Why Your Business Needs Scenario Planning

The What, The How and Why Your Business Needs It Let's provide some context to scenario planning. There is no denying that we live in an ever-changing world. With new technologies emerging almost every day, the way businesses operate can...

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The M-Commerce Revolution, And What It Means For Your IT

M-commerce might seem like a new term, but it’s a concept that’s been around for a long time. The only difference is, it’s going through rapid growth in popularity, and now the m-commerce industry is starting to take over...

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The Role of IT in a B2B Environment

At Indigo IT, we work with technology and IT solutions to support business-to-business (B2B) companies. We have discovered that for some people, that may mean setting up email servers and acting as an outsourced tech support line. Which we...

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What ITaaS Means For Your Business?

There was a day when technology wasn’t an essential component of business life. You could get by with the basics, or with nothing at all if you were really resourceful. But now that technology has evolved, it’s increasingly become...

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What to Include in your IT Strategy in 2019

As we reach the end of another calendar year, business owners are reflecting on their performance in 2018. While you’re analysing your sales stats and marketing spend from the last 12 months, we want to ask you something. How...

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How to prepare for GDPR in 2018

The growing digital economy is impacting how businesses operate. There are also increasing concerns about current data protection laws, rights and privacy for both consumers and companies. As a result, the latest GDPR changes are set to lay the...

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Protecting your business: What we’ve learnt in 2017

Improving and upgrading IT systems in 2017 has heavily revolved around cybersecurity. However, rather than a knee-jerk reaction, or trending buzzword — as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May 2018 — leaders are striving for safety,...

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How an IT Strategy can Revolutionise Your Growth and Innovation

    In today’s increasingly digitalised and security-led marketplace, the boundaries between strategic IT planning and the overall business strategy are becoming less clear. As a result, firms are working smarter to gain a competitive advantage through harnessing their IT strategy,...

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