Leading IT Trends Transforming The Industry In 2019

I know what you’re thinking. Every year the tech bods roll out hundreds of new predictions for what’s going to be hot in the coming 12 months. Sometimes those predictions are bang on the money, like the 2016 predictions...

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What to Include in your IT Strategy in 2019

As we reach the end of another calendar year, business owners are reflecting on their performance in 2018. While you’re analysing your sales stats and marketing spend from the last 12 months, we want to ask you something. How...

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Protecting your business: What we’ve learnt in 2017

Improving and upgrading IT systems in 2017 has heavily revolved around cybersecurity. However, rather than a knee-jerk reaction, or trending buzzword — as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May 2018 — leaders are striving for safety,...

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